Confusing gotcha: PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR is not a pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR

Date:December 23, 2015 / year-entry #270
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Comments:    12
Summary:It's just an untyped pointer.

There is a structure called a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR. It describes the layout of an absolute security descriptor.

There is also a structure called a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE. It describes the layout of a relative security descriptor.

And then there is a type called PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR. You might think based on its name that it is a pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR. But it's not. It is defined as

// equivalent to
// typedef void *PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR;

Most code that accept security descriptors don't care whether the security descriptor is absolute or relative. They just pass the security descriptor through to functions like Access­Check. And the name for a generic "pointer to some type of security descriptor, maybe relative, maybe absolute" is PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR.

You rarely notice this switcheroo because code that deals with security descriptors typically use helper functions to do the heavy lifting. You notice this problem if you try to use something like std::unique_ptr to manage the lifetime of a security descriptor.

template<typename T>
struct LocalAlloc_delete
 LocalAlloc_delete() { }
 void operator()(T* p) throw() { LocalFree(p); }

template<typename T>
using unique_localptr = std::unique_ptr<T, LocalAlloc_delete<T>>;

void some_function()
  SDDL_REVISION_1, &result, nullptr);

 // compiler error here
 unique_localptr<SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR> sd(result);

 .. do stuff with sd ...

The compiler complains because result is a PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, but it expects a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR*.

I can't think of a clean way out of this. Here are some ugly ways out:

// ugly option 1 - cast it away

// ugly option 2 - special knowledge about PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
unique_localptr<void> sd(result);

// ugly option 3 - general, but an awful lot of typing
    std::remove_pointer<PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR>::type> sd(result);

In retrospect, the structure for an absolute security descriptor should have been named SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_ABSOLUTE. My guess is that the name is historical: Initially, the only kind of security descriptor was absolute. Later, relative security descriptors were invented, and the easiest way to retrofit them into the existing interfaces was to make PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR the generic security descriptor pointer.

Comments (12)
  1. Medinoc says:

    I guess that’s the problem with C being the primary language of the Windows API, because in C++ this would probably have been solved with a base class and two derived classes…

    //Nitpicker’s corner
    Why use a reinterpret_cast from void*, where a static_cast would suffice?

    1. alegr1 says:

      You know that Raymond is a fan of reinterpret_cast, don’t you? It’s like more brutal and dangerous variant of C-cast, while you can pretend you enjoy type safety of C++.

      1. I use static_cast when I’m converting between related pointers. But void* isn’t related to anything, so I use reinterpret_cast to emphasize “This is scary, you’d better be right because the compiler isn’t going to help.”

        1. Darran Rowe says:

          I always end up seeing it in the opposite way. Because of that implicit conversion to void *, it is actually related to everything.
          Of course, the result is the same. You are going to have to be really sure when you cast it back, otherwise bad things are going to happen.
          I was just mentioning this because it was interesting how a differing point of view ended up with the same result.

          1. I tend to use static_cast for “The compiler will double-check me here” and reinterpret_cast for “Pay close attention here.” Although you can technically use static_cast with void*, I think it’s misleading and lets you hide a dangerous cast inside something that looks safe.

        2. Alex Cohn says:

          It’s a pity that there is no compiler flag to mark all casts from void* (including typedef’ed) as dangerous. I’d also follow such cast with some assert() wherever possible.

  2. praetorian says:

    There is another option. unique_ptr has a nifty feature where the managed pointer type can be switched from T* to Deleter::pointer if that type exists. So just provide a specialization of LocalAlloc_delete for SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR

    struct LocalAlloc_delete
    void operator()(PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR p) const throw( )
    using pointer = PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR;

    Now unique_localptr will happily accept a PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR

    1. praetorian says:

      Obviously I have no clue how to do code formatting in comments.

      1. I don’t think you can, so don’t worry. (P.S., cool trick.)

  3. 640k says:

    No problem, just change it to what’s expected.

  4. Neil says:

    Instead of:

    template using unique_localptr = std::unique_ptr<T, LocalAlloc_delete>;

    unique_localptr sd(result);

    why not

    std::unique_ptr<T, LocalAlloc_delete> unique_localptr(T* raw_ptr)
    return std::unique_ptr<T, LocalAlloc_delete>(raw_ptr);

    auto sd(unique_localptr(result));

  5. French Guy says:

    Wouldn’t it have been better to name the generic security descriptor SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_GENERIC and create a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_ABSOLUTE alias for SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR (keeping the old name around for compatibility)?

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