Drink at work: The blog of a cartoonist

Date:June 28, 2005 / year-entry #166
Orig Link:https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20050628-08/?p=35173
Comments:    10
Summary:Francesco ("Ces") Marciuliano is the author of the comic strip Sally Forth. In his blog, Drink at Work he expounds on whatever tickles his fancy. (Warning: Includes strong language, adult situations, and political views.) Sure, the stories on writing a cartoon are fun, especially when he responds to feedback from readers, and he also has...

Francesco ("Ces") Marciuliano is the author of the comic strip Sally Forth. In his blog, Drink at Work he expounds on whatever tickles his fancy. (Warning: Includes strong language, adult situations, and political views.) Sure, the stories on writing a cartoon are fun, especially when he responds to feedback from readers, and he also has a long series of articles titled Comic Strip Writing 101 (example: Comic Strip Writing 101: It's Not All Pabst and Vicodin), but that's not the best part. No, the best part is the conversations with his father. Here's an except from Conversation number two:

Dad: Marciulianos live much longer than average folks! Look at your Grandpa! He would still be alive today if he hadn't died in that hospital.

Ces: What?

Dad: Y'know, from that spill he took...when he had to go to the hospital. I bet if he didn't fall he would still be around today.

Ces: At age 102?

Dad: See? That's what I'm talking about. Marciulianos live a long time.

Comments (10)
  1. Brian says:

    I really can’t wait until all the Art Buchwalds of the world die off (this guy is that type). It’s weird, but just reading their writing makes me think I smell that stuffy, dungeony, old people odor. And frankly I need to see hard evidence before I believe that anyone reads Sally Forth. Rest their eyes on it before having a stroke, maybe, but actually read it? Nuh-uh.

  2. Rick C says:

    <P>Brian, let me introduce you to The Comics Curmudgeon http://www.comicscurmudgeon.com (which Ces reads). Sally Forth shows up there semi-regularly.</P>

  3. Rick C says:

    Well, that was an interesting little mangle.

    I got the URL wrong, too. Try this instead: http://www.comicscurmudgeon.com

  4. Brian says:

    Rick, I hold you responsible for my wasting most of the afternoon reading that site. Funny stuff.

  5. Rick C says:

    Ces’ wife even modelled Curmudgeon gear recently: http://joshreads.com/index.php?p=328

  6. Toon says:

    So, is there a cartoon of Joe Peterson being unceremoniously fired for Longhorn’s lead-time then?

  7. Jp says:

    That was interesting. I was trying to work out just how somebody capable of being so funny in his blog could be so, well, not as funny in his cartoon. Then I read this entry: http://www.drinkatwork.com/2005/04/serious-suggestion.html

    Ah, it’s a backwards compatibility problem…

  8. Carol says:

    Brian, while I’ll defend to the death your right to say whatever you want, I must respectfully ask that you stop wishing for the death of my husband. Oh, and stop comparing him to Art Buchwald. I would never, EVER consider blowing Art Buchwald.

  9. Josh says:

    Carol, you are so roadside.


  10. Don Roszel says:

    My new best blog. His piece on firecrackers made me cry I laughed so hard.

    Thanks for the referral.


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