Adventures in product testing: Candles that catch fire

Date:March 29, 2005 / year-entry #80
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Comments:    8
Summary:Not to be outdone by frying pans that explode when you use them for frying, Nature's Finest Candles has issued a product recall [pdf] because the candles catch fire when you light them. This is not to be confused with birthday candles that catch fire and explode.

Comments (8)
  1. Amazing. Just Amazing… Not to be outdone by frying pans that explode when you use them for frying, Nature’s Finest Candles has issued a product recall [pdf] because the candles catch fire when you light them. This is not…

  2. Andy says:

    "Nature’s Finest has received four reports of the surface layer of gel burning, creating high flames. There are two reported burn injuries to consumers’ hands, which required medical treatment"

    This seems to indicate that 50% of people, when faced with this situation, thought the right course of action was to put their hand in the flame…

  3. Jeremy Morton [MSFT] says:

    "This seems to indicate that 50% of people, when faced with this situation, thought the right course of action was to put their hand in the flame…"

    That’s a humourous take on it, but I’m guessing that 50% weren’t able to pull their hands back fast enough after lighting the candle to avoid being burned. The others probably used a longer instrument to light the candles or the high flames didn’t start right after the candle was lit.

  4. Just Somebody says:

    "This seems to indicate that 50% of people, when faced with this situation, thought the right course of action was to put their hand in the flame…"

    That made me laugh so hard I woke up the wife. Guess I shouldn’t read in bed anymore.

  5. Jonathan says:

    This has actually happened to me. It caught fire after a while though, and I extinguished it by putting a ceramic plate on top of it.

  6. mph says:

    And today on "This is Broken," we’ve got a charcoal BBQ that can catch fire:

  7. This consumer reports on candles that catch fire and other problematic products….

  8. Brooklyn says:

    I think that if candles exploded some one can get hurt or burned really bad.So you should make candles a little safer.

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