One for the "They have to say that because of me": Ground rules at the Point Defiance Zoo

Date:September 11, 2012 / year-entry #212
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Comments:    13
Summary:The ground rules for the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium in Tacoma include the usual things you might expect. "No pets." "Do not feed the animals." "No smoking." But then there's a rule that clearly is one about which somebody somewhere in the world can say "They have to say that because of me": Remain...

The ground rules for the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium in Tacoma include the usual things you might expect. "No pets." "Do not feed the animals." "No smoking." But then there's a rule that clearly is one about which somebody somewhere in the world can say "They have to say that because of me":

  • Remain clothed at all times.

Comments (13)
  1. Kent says:

    This reminds me of a certain Magic: the Gathering card – Platinum Angel, which prevents its player from losing the game while it's in play.

    The official errata for the card states that it does not prevent you from losing the game due to a rules violation at a sanctioned event.

  2. Wolf Bogacz says:

    In Bucks County, PA, the Delaware Canal has a sign "No Waterskiing" because of a neighbor's relative's stunt.

  3. JD says:

    In my first dorm at WVU, which was 10 or so stories high, the rulebook actually included, "No rappelling down the side of the building."

  4. Lockwood says:

    JD: So I can rappel down the front or the back?

    Kent: Thanks. Thanks for making me lose the game.

  5. JM says:

    Then there are the people who turn this into a sport. Obligatory references:

    * 2100 things Mr. Welch can no longer do during an RPG,

    * The 213 things Skippy is no longer allowed to do in the U.S. Army,

  6. But Mooooom, the /animals/ get to be naked….

  7. For anyone – like me – left wondering about the relevance of Simpsons voice-overs to this, the point of relevance seems to be:

    Homer Loves Flanders

      The end of a commercial for tickets to the big game:

      Voiceover: Warning: tickets should not be taken internally.

      Homer adds: "See, because of me they have a warning."


  8. Mark Y. says:

    With a name like "Point Defiance Zoo" what do they expect?  Clearly, this is the zoo where you score points for acts of defiance, no?

  9. Chad says:

    I was just there this past weekend.  I was awe struck by the polar bears.  Other highlights included the lemurs, goat feeding and the sharks.  The Sumatran tiger was a bit shy, but made for a good laugh when the keeper couldn't get it to come out for all the zoo goers.

    I still prefer Woodland Park Zoo, mostly due to its more dense layout, with just as many animals.

    Also, I didn't see anyone with their shirt off – so clearly the rule is working ;-)

  10. alegr1 says:

    Mark Y:


  11. Gabe says:

    I always liked saying "We don't break the rules — we inspire them!"

  12. Extraterrestrial says:


    Polar bears, are they really normal bears with changed coordinate system in terms of sine and cosine?

  13. That's right; the cartesian latitude/longitude system breaks down where they live.

Comments are closed.

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